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Industrial Development

According to Decree No. 29/2008/ND-CP regulating industrial parks, export processing zones and economic zones and Decree No. 164/2013/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 29/2008/ND-CP, an export processing zone is an industrial park specializing in the production of export goods, providing services for the production of export goods and export activities, with clear and defined geographical boundaries, established under certain conditions, procedures and processes. An export processing enterprise is an enterprise established and operating in an export processing zone or an enterprise exporting all products operating in an industrial park or economic zone.

1. The following are the procedures and processes for establishing an industrial park:

The approved master plan for the development of an export processing zone is the basis and basis for considering the establishment of an industrial park; develop plans for planning, investing and developing technical infrastructure and social infrastructure systems to serve the development of export processing zones

2. Conditions for establishing industrial zones must meet:

  • Comply with the approved overall regulations on the development of technology zones
  • The total industrial land area of ​​export processing zones established in the territory of provinces and centrally run cities that have previously been leased or subleased to projects registered for investment, granted investment certificates, is at least 60%.
  • For export processing zones with a scale of more than 500 hectares and with many investors participating in investment in construction - infrastructure business in separate zones or attached to urban areas, concentrated business in the overall project, it is necessary to establish a general construction plan in the direction of the Ministry of Construction before establishing detailed plans.
  • For export processing zones with an area larger than 500 hectares located next to national highways, national conservation areas, and in urban areas of type II and I, written opinions from the Ministry of Construction and other relevant ministries and branches on the detailed planning for the construction of the industrial park must be obtained before the provincial People's Committee approves.

3. Procedures for establishing an industrial park

  • Procedures for granting Investment Certificates for investment projects in construction and business of infrastructure of export processing zones shall comply with the provisions of the law on investment
  • Decision to establish an industrial park
  • Dossier to establish an industrial park
  • Documents requesting the establishment of an industrial park by the investor
  • Decision approving the detailed planning for the construction of an export processing zone by the Provincial People's Committee
  • Investment Certificates for investors implementing infrastructure development projects of export processing zones
  • The establishment dossier must have 04 sets, of which 01 original copy is submitted to the Export Processing Zone Management Board or the Department of Planning and Investment

Within 05 working days from the date of receiving valid dossiers, the Management Board or the Department of Planning and Investment shall submit to the Provincial People's Committee the establishment of the export processing zone. Then, within 10 days of receiving valid dossiers, the Provincial People's Committee shall decide to establish this industrial park.



Add: Villa 15/2, Hoang Liet Str., Hoang Mai Dist., Hanoi City

Tel: +84-24-3668-6390

Email: info@idw.com.vn; info@hbg.com.vn;